
Cauldron Creep 3.0 How - To

Cauldron Creep 3.0 How-To

The How-to for Cauldron Creep is a downloadable PDF. In an effort to make it a complete and easy to understand guide to build your own Cauldron Creep it is a live document meaning that it is updated as new sections are added. When the how-to is complete all the separate blog posts will be copy-pasted into this page and the info added as pages to the PDF.

The current Version is "Cauldron Creep 3.0 How-To_updated_9-25"

You can down load the latest version here.

Current is contains the following Diagrams:

Cauldron motor and cauldron base plans
Creep body plans
neck motor and mechanism plans

Coming as they are finished are:

Bone attachment guide
Setup and Balance guide
Costume making
Wiring RGB LED Eyes and Simple Switch
Lighted Cauldron


  1. Where are thighs and shins? What else is missing or am i looking at diagram/dimensions wrong?

    1. They are there. You must be looking at the schematics wrong. There is a Side View for Posture pic that is labeled and The large photo next to it shows the same. It just looks a little goofy. Squint your eyes and lift one leg. That seemed to work for me.

  2. Where are thighs and shins? What else is missing or am i looking at diagram/dimensions wrong?

  3. the plans are in "planographic" views. they show the frame as if it wwrestling pressed flat against the ground by a giant sheet of glass. it mentions to show you dimes ions that would other wise be lost in a strict 2d representative diagram where the feet are pointing right towards you would appear only as small circles.

    try looking the or gina cauldron creep how to in the sidebar. it has a 3d view.

  4. Cauldron Creep how-to PDF link is broken. Can you share it with me?

  5. The link for the pdf does not work anymore. Can you pm me the pdf?

    Thanks in advance
